Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blessed by Friends

Our friend, DS, came over today to bless us with his handiwork. My husband & I agree that DS is a master perfectionist with drywall....our basement is coming together! I almost cried when I stepped downstairs tonight. We haven't had official walls up for 2 years (since the flooding).

After a great dinner out with great friends, we are relaxing at home. Tomorrow's dinner is in the crockpot & I am getting ready to cut a pattern for some pajamas for C. Tomorrow morning I need to be at O'Hare to pick up Tman-yay!! We have missed him so much.


  1. DS....I've been trying to figure out who that it. Dwight Schrute?? Diane Sawyer?? David Schwimmer?? David Spade??

  2. Actually D. Slinkman, the drywall guru.

  3. My amazing carpenter hubby! (I'm a little biased) :)
