Thursday, December 16, 2010

Glass Half Full

I am choosing to praise God for all the wonderful family & friends we have been blessed with. The past two weeks have been rough and many little things have snowballed:
C's fall & head staples
T getting very sick & being home from school last week
Me being very sick with cough
Flat tire
Subsequent series of repairs on wheel
Dog having accident on carpet
Dog diagnosed with bladder stones
Expensive surgery required for dog
Having no vehicle while van is repaired
Pipe under utility tub came loose while clothes were in wash; lots of water...
When I type it all out, it starts to engulf & overwhelm me. BUT, when I look at it with the glass half full, it starts to look pretty sweet and our blessings in difficult circumstances shine.
Here's the crazy ways that God has shown Himself faithful in each situation:
C's head: Staples removed today, no concussion at time of incident
T's sickness: he recovered quickly & we had fun hanging out at the house
My cough: Almost all better; taught me to slow down and take care of myself
Flat tire: My dad & E came out on a bitterly cold day to change
Tire repairs: Our friend J (aka Master Mechanic) has been an invaluable help
Dog: The vet in Indiana will be $2000 less for the surgery that Josie is required to have. In addition, I will get to visit my 93 year old grandma who is now in a nursing home.
Utility Sink "mini-flood": Fortunately, there was a massive pile of dirty clothes next to tub that effectively absorbed all the leaking water. Brownie points for dirty laundry.
"Do not be anxious about anything..."
There are so many families in dire medical, financial & emotional turmoil. How can I let these small things (and yes, they are small) rob me of joy and close my eyes to the huge blessings that have been graciously poured out on us?
Here's a great quote to close:
The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Thanks, I really needed this post! I've had one of those weeks as well. I find it interesting that I also have a dog named Josie. She is a 9 year old cocker spaniel who has glaucoma in both eyes and has recently lost her sight in one of them. Surgery would cost well over 1,000 to fix. Praying that your dogs surgery goes well and has a quick recovery.

  2. Susan,
    You are serving God as you lovingly serve your family! You are a great wife and mother :)
    2 Cor. 4:17 "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
