Thursday, January 19, 2012

Red Velvet Whoopie Pies

Illinois is icy cold tonight.  The chill is seeping under the doors and we are all wearing socks and slippers.  Dinner was simple: spaghetti with Italian sausage.  My husband is a lover of comfort food (who isn't?) and I love to have the house smelling delicious when he comes home. 

To combat the cold, I decided to bake.  T was at soccer and E was heading off to a meeting at church, so another simple recipe was in order since the priority was heating up the kitchen.  I remembered a quickie recipe that I once made from Allrecipes for red velvet whoopie pies.  All ingredients were on hand: cake mix, eggs and oil.  (We omitted the bourbon but would love to try in the future!) 

After mixing red velvet cake mix, 2 eggs and 1/2 cup oil, I used to ice cream scoop to place onto parchment-lined baking sheets.  We baked at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes until baked through.

After cooling, we sandwiched with a basic buttercream (butter, whipping cream & confectioner's sugar). 

They were really yummy and so simple.  My favorite pastime is cooking and baking....and I love challenging pastries.  But sometimes simple is fun and I forget that I don't need to make something elaborate to please my boys.

I had half of one (thank you, WW points).  These would be a darling Valentine's treat or fun snack for your loved ones.  My husband has a big old whoopie pie waiting for him when he gets back from his meeting.  I love him!


  1. Yum! Looks awesome! Southern California doesn't get nearly as cold and we have never used our heat, but sometimes there is a chill in the air in the morning in the house, so I burn a home-y scent like leaves and for some season the scent makes me feel more warm.

  2. In the winter I like to find an excuse to turn on the oven too. Ha! That looks so yummy!
